Friday, February 25, 2011

Frugal Friday Tip- $2.48 Window Treatment!

We bought our home in October and I am just now getting around to decorating other parts of the house besides the nursery! Every room needs painted, but that is a task for people that don't have a 6 week old colicky baby keeping them up! So for now, just decorating the plain jane white rooms will do!

I am decorating in my favorite "Shabby Antique Chic" look, which I love!!! I could spend all day in antique stores!!! So my husband gave me a little money and I have been having fun. I will post pics up when I get done!

I wanted a unique window treatment and couldn't find anything online, but I ran across some napkins on clearance at Target and thought...I can do something with those!

So, for $2.48 and a tension rod I already had, this is what I came up with! Pretty impressed at myself!


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