Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weekend Of Giveaways!

To Celebrate The Arrival of Mr. Fussy Face (if you follow me on Facebook you'll understand), aka our little Parker, I have decided to have a Day of Baby Giveaways!

(He's Lucky He's Cute!)

Mr. Parker is now almost 7 weeks old and has been a wonderful, yet slightly tiring addition to our family! Instead of just hosting 1 Day of Giveaways we are going to host a Weekend of Giveaways!!!

So, starting Friday, hop over to this page to check in on the celebration! The Giveaways will end Friday, March 11th. Make sure and tell all your friends about Coupon Deals and Steals!

There are a few things you can do to make these giveaways easier when they get here~
1. Become a Follower of this blog by clicking Follow under the heading Followers on the right hand sidebar.
2. Become a Follower on Facebook or Twitter~ Click the icons on the right hand sidebar to take you directly to my sites!


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Material on this side is intended for an adult audience. To participate in giveaways or contests, you must be at least 18 years of age or older.