With gas prices expected to rise to $5.00 a gallon this summer, it's apparent that this is going to be a budget buster for our pocketbooks! I have taken a few small steps to try to save money at the pump. I live about 30 minutes from the nearest big city, so that is quite a bit of gas traveling back and forth. If I don't plan ahead, I go there often. So, I have started making a conscience effort to stay home more, shop locally and pre-plan trips where I can get many errands done in one day!
I recently read an article on 20 Tips To Save Money On Gas by The Bargainist and found a few more simple ways of helping keep more money in my wallet than spending it at the pump...
*Park In The Shade
*Don't Top Off Your Tank
*Use The Cruise Control
Here is the entire article from The Bargainist!