Friday, May 11, 2012

Just My o"PIN"ion on Homemade Pledge

I am falling in love with homemade cleaners. They are usually so much cheaper and better for your family and the environment! I have a kitchen table that has a wood top and it is constantly in need of a polished finish. My kids have destroyed it and continue too. There are feet marks all over it (if you know the stories of my baby Parker being a monkey, this makes sense to you). We bought it about a year ago and thank goodness it has a distressed look because we have added to that charm! But keeping the top looking polished is a chore. It usually just looks horrid. I found this pin from that not only promised a great polish but also that you would only have to dust every other week or so! It only takes two ingredients and it's so simple to use.

Ingredients: 1 tsp. lemon juice 1/4 cup olive oil Container to hold it as you probably won't use it all.

Directions: Mix the lemon juice and the olive oil in a container. Mix it. Take a dusting cloth and wipe down your furniture, cabinets, etc. I really rub it in as it does have that oily consistency.

Verdict: Love it! My table is so shiny, even I am tempted to get on top of it and dance a happy dance. I can't wait to see how long the polish lasts. I also dusted a baseboard halfway with this solution to see if it gets as dusty as the other half. It's my evil way of seeing if it's claims of dusting less are true! Who really likes to dust anyway? *silence* Yep, that's what I thought!

Here are some pictures of the experience!




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