Friday, June 29, 2012

Just My o"PIN"ion on Homemade Ice Packs

Shapeable Ice Packs

I have a crappy body, I'm sad to say.  At the age of 33 I often find myself smothered with Icy Hot, pulling the heating pad out yet again or icing my knee that has scars of the abuse I've inflicted on it.  Now I still cherish that body and won't say too many bad things about it as I know it could put up a harder fight and probably win.  So, I just treat it like I treat a new batch of chocolate chip cookies out of the, I have no idea why I just said that because stuffing as many of them in my mouth without burning myself has really nothing to do with how I treat my body, or does it?!  Can you tell I am just really craving chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven.  Geesh!  Why didn't I choose to do the "World's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie" this week for my review?

Anyway, here is where I'm going with this.  I found this pin on Pinterest for a shapeable ice pack.  I won one similar to this in a giveaway from a local chiropractor's office and LOVED it!  However, I recently lost it (have since found under the couch) and remembered this pin and decided it was a perfect time to give it a whirl.  You see I basically ice my knee any night that I run, so I use it often. I would love to say I'm a marathon runner but that would be a huge lie...let's just pretend I run a half marathons for entertainment purposes!! 

The Ingredients:
3 Parts Water
1 Part Rubbing Alcohol
Ziplock Bag

Just mix 3 parts water to the one part alcohol and freeze.  I did 1 1/2 cups water and 1/2 cup alcohol and found that to be a good amount for the size Ziplock bag that I wanted.  The blogger also states that you could put food coloring in it for fun!  If it freezes too hard just add more alcohol or if it's too slushy, just add more water.

The Verdict:
Awesome!  It is a perfect ice pack.  It is shapeable so that it contours to my knee nicely and it is the perfect consistency.  Not only is it super easy but it's super cheap!  Easy and Cheap are a few of my favorite words, so BIG points for this project!

More Pics:

All Ready For The Freezer

Just Perfect For My Knee!


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