Monday, July 26, 2010

Pantry Challenge- Meal Plan Monday!

We are working really hard this month at putting as much money into our savings account, so I have decided to try the Pantry Challenge w/ a twist, for our Meal Plan Monday!

I went through my freezer, pantry and refrigerator and tried to see what I could come up with for 10 days worth of meals and here's what I came up with.
The twist?- I do have to buy a few things at the store, so I am doing a $20.00 Challenge for the week! That will include milk, bread, hamburger, biscuits and produce!

Monday- Shake and Bake Chicken, Frozen Potato Wedges, Salad

Tuesday- Flatbread Tacos w/ Ranch Sour Cream Sauce (these are delicious and we haven't had them in forever! I will take pics and post recipe on Wednesday!) If you are my Facebook friend, here's the link to the recipe.

Wednesday-Bologna Sandwiches, Soup

Thursday- Sausage and Egg Biscuits, Fruit

Friday- Brats/Hotdogs, Mac and Cheese

Saturday- Rice A Roni w/ Chicken, Veggies

Sunday- Pancakes, Sausage, Eggs

Monday- Grilled Cheese, Soup

Tuesday- Fish Sticks, French Fries

Wednesday- Smoked Sausage, Potatoes O'Brien, Veggies

I will try to post a pic of my shopping trip from tomorrow soon too!!!


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