This week we will revisit a few of my previous Frugal Tips!
*After boiling water for pasta, let the water cool down and water your flowers with it!
*To prevent the screws in eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of Clear Nail Polish to the threads of the screws before tightening them!
*Get your candles to last longer by chilling them! This is an old trick that is used by frugal people and the candle companies themselves. Chilling the candles before you use them makes the wax burn more slowly and evenly. Some say that the best way to do this is to freeze the candles for 24 hours before burning them. Others say that just storing them in the refrigerator for eight hours before you burn them is enough to do the trick.
*Think of what you can cut in half and still get a full use out of! For example-I had some Disposable Face Wash clothes that I had gotten on sale for very little and cut them in half. I could still wash my entire face with one but now I was getting double the usage!! Other ideas: dryer sheets, cleaning wipes, baby wipes.