Thursday, March 22, 2012

Just My o"PIN"ion On Homemade Laundry Detergent

Ever since I announced that I started making my own laundry detergent, I've had tons of people ask for me the recipe and even more people wanting to know what I thought of it. So, I thought this was perfect for this week's Just My o"PIN"ion post!
I went with the simple recipe from because it was SO SIMPLE! Just 3 ingredients and a little elbow grease!

Did I say just 3 ingredients? You will need Borax, Arm and Hammer Washing Soda and I chose Fels-Naptha as my bar soap but you can chose between others. You will also need a grater, a container to store it in, a measuring spoon and I use my food processor.

Basically you grate your bar soap into a container. Add 1 cup of Borax and 1 cup of the washing soda and combine until well blended. What I do next is stick it in my food processor. I wanted mine to be really fine and well blended. The food processor did the trick! Next time I am going to see if I can just cut the bar soap into bigger pieces and then see if it will grate it for me! Then just add 1 tbsp. per load of laundry. I might add a little more if it's a really dirty load but otherwise I've stuck to those measurements.

My Experience:
I LOVE this stuff! It is well worth the elbow grease of grating the bar soap! Mine has lasted me for well over a month and I am just now out. So I think it lasts a little longer than my big $15.00 jug of Tide that I used to use. On average, you will be saving $0.16 per load! That little bit adds up when you use it over time. Think about it! I average 2 loads a day, so that is about $0.32 a day. Over a year, you will save over $100.00 my choosing homemade! Plus, it cleans very well and I would choose it over store brand any day. I still use my stain remover for stains but I am looking into a homemade recipe for that too! I'm hooked. I don't think I'll ever go back. On another children and husband have very sensitive skin and even eczema. This laundry soap doesn't bother anybody. It is extremely gentle that I even clean the babies clothes with it. Have I said I LOVE this stuff?

I hope you give it a shot. There are many other recipes, including liquid soap recipes as well that you can try. You can find more information about HE front load washers in the above DIY link. Please know that I use an older top load washer so I have no experience with the fancier models!

I'm off to go make a double batch now! Tune in next week for another Just My o"PIN"ion!


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