Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just My o"PIN"ion on Apple Cider Vinegar Pimple Treatment

I went through my teen years with just a few pimples on my face. I was blessed to have good skin and continued on that route until...I started working out everyday. UGH! Trading fat for pimples was not what I had in mind (although I would) and to believe I have to deal with acne at the age of 33 is ridiculous! So I have become a woman on a mission to find something that will take these pimples away! I've tried Proactive, prescription medication, and tons of beauty/over the counter products and nothing has really worked. So, after searching Pinterest one day, I found this home remedy on My Healthy Life Now using just apple cider vinegar and water.

Vinegar, Water, Q-Tips and a container to store it in!

I used my own ratio of 1 part water to 1 part apple cider vinegar. The ratio was different on this blog but I wanted to try it a little stronger! Away With These Pimples Already! So, basically I just measured it out and put it in a little container. Then every morning and every night after I wash my face I hit my forehead and chin areas with this mixture using a Q-Tip. It could be too drying for your face, but mine has handled it just fine.

The Verdict
I started about 5 days ago and I must say for the first 3-4, I wasn't seeing much difference. But finally today I am noticing some improvement! I have been trying to wear as little makeup as possible to possibly help the process too. I'm hoping my face will be flawless in another week! It didn't get the amazing, next day results this post said you would have but we shall see how it does over time! I'll keep you updated!

To spare you any more grossness as you probably were all grossed out enough from my foot post last week, I didn't take any pictures of my zits! YOU ARE WELCOME! However, if my face is flawless in a week, I'll take a picture without makeup! GASP!

Photo Courtesy of


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