There is nothing better than flip-flops in my opinion. Well,unless you are wearing flip-flops while having drinks with Luke Bryan and watching the sunset together. Oh sorry...did I say that out loud?? Silly me! Back to flip-flops! It's starting to get warm here in Kansas and that means I am breaking out my flip-flops for the season. Only one problem...My Feet Are NASTY! They haven't seen one of those pedicure chairs since last summer and I just haven't had time to schedule one in my busy life yet. So, when I ran across this PIN from on Pinterest and it basically claimed miracles, I thought I'd give it a try!
Disclaimer: My feet are really nasty. I workout everyday and I my feet show it. I have blisters, calluses and much more to show for the abuse my feet take. So, please know that before you go on! Oh...and if feet make you want to throw up, well, you better just stop here! There's going to be lots of pictures of nasty feet coming up!
You will need Shaving Cream, Listerine, a towel and a bowl or tub. If going the step farther like I did, you will also need a Ped-Egg, lotion and a pair or socks!
So it's fairly basic instructions. You find a comfy spot you want to stay for about 30 minutes and bring along all the supplies. You will need to mix a solution of 1 part Listerine to 1 part warm water. I probably used about 1/2 -1 cup of each. Then lay out a towel and start with putting shaving cream on your feet. Take the towel and get it soaked in the water solution. Wrap feet in the towel and really get it around the heel good. I took part of the towel from the floor and just wrapped it around the soaked towel and made like a little cocoon. Now wait 30 minutes for the magic to happen! When the time is up, take the soaked towel and really scrub your feet with it. Then go and rinse off the mixture off your feet. At this point, my feet were really starting to tingle and really smell like mouthwash! Then pat them dry really well. I took a look at the results and wasn't that impressed. So...I went a little farther with this. Please note that you may have better results if your feet aren't starting out as nasty as mine! I got my Ped-Egg out and scrubbed awhile then I put on my favorite Gold Bond lotion and lotion socks. I kept them on about an hour and then took a look. SOOOOO much better!
The Verdict:
While the Listerine mixture may have helped the end result, I'm not so sure it's the miracle fix as some people have been pinning it to be! Do my feet look better? Yes, but it sure doesn't just make the dead skin fall right off! However, if you have about an hour of your life to spare, give it a try and let me know how it works for you! If you have stinky feet...then this is what you have been looking for! I'm pretty sure this I'm going to smell like Listerine for the rest of my life!
Pictures of the Process: