Thursday, May 20, 2010

Elizabeth Bargain Bandit Trips to Target!!!!

In the first picture I purchased:
1 Energy Smart Light Bulb
2 Nivea Body Washes for Women
1 Nivea Body Wash for Men
1 Package of Belly Bars
2 3 Packs of Long Sleeve Baby Onsies
1 Travel Size Tide Detergent
1 Set of Dr. Scholls Gellin Arch Supports
and 1 Bottle of Nail Polish (No Coupon or sale for this item)

The Target Retail Price would have been $59.87 with tax
I spent $13.45 OOP (A Savings of $46.42 or 78%!!)

In the second picture I purchased:
1 Box Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner
2 Packages of Belly Bars
1 Package of 100 Calorie Cheese Snacks
1 Package of Carefree Panty Liners
1 Nivea Body Wash for Women
1 Travel Size Herbal Essences Gel
and 1 20 Count Box or Disney Princess Band-Aids
Target retail price was $28.99 and I spent $3.41 OOP (A Savings of $25.48 or 88%!!! )
You Go Elizabeth!
Do you have a great Shopping Trip Picture to share? Send it to my email and I will make you a Bargain Bandit for the month and you will be entered for a $10.00 gift card giveaway!


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