Hey Ashlei,
I know most bargain bandits are posted for groceries, but I just had to share how I got a free polo shirt for my dad for Father's day!
Last week I got an e-mail from Kohl's with a coupon for $10.00 off my next shopping trip at the east store. (I think this is because I like to shop their sales and I have a store credit card there). Well this week Kohl's has polo shirts on sale this week for $9.99 so I thought...hey, if I think ahead, it's a free Father's day present!!! And it was! I've never walked out of a store like this with a purchase that didn't cost me a dime! I was so excited to leave the store beaming with my free present...
I'm attaching a photo with the receipt!!! Spent $0 and saved $26!
Candi, You Rock! This is why it pays (or not at all actually) to think ahead for holidays and birthdays!!!!