Saturday, May 8, 2010

Facebook Fan Giveaway!

I have the best Facebook Group Ever! To celebrate reaching 1300 Fans, I have a great giveaway for one lucky person!!

I was recently featured in First Magazine For Woman, and as a thank you from Mommysavers who I mentioned in the ad, the founder of Mommysavers, Kimberly Danger, sent me two copies of her new book she just released, Instant Bargains-600+ Ways to Shrink Your Grocery Bill and Eat Well for Less!
She has some good ideas in this book, and no matter if you are a coupon newbie or more experienced, you will still learn some great tips from Kimberly's book!

Here is an excerpt from her book that I found enjoyable:
bread bags ends to end."

"New Uses For Food Containers:

Bread Bags:

*Use as sandwich bags.

*Use to dispose dirty diapers.

*Throw in your beach bag to hold wet swimsuits.

*Use as a trash bag in the car.

*Create a homemade jump rope by tying them end to end."

To Enter This Giveaway-

You MUST be a Facebook Fan of Coupon Deals and Steals- go here if you are not!

You can enter as many times as you would like! Just tell me your best frugal tips! You must leave a new comment for each tip you enter! If you leave two comments in the same comment box, it will only count as one entry!

All entries must be submitted by 5/14 by 10 pm (CT).

Winner will be announced by 5/17!

Good Luck!


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Material on this side is intended for an adult audience. To participate in giveaways or contests, you must be at least 18 years of age or older.