CSN.com has some great home office furniture! They are also great because they always sponsor my blog and do giveaways for my readers. So stay tuned for a future giveaway from CSN.com
Make Cards- I love it when I get homemade cards. That means my husband actually had to "think" about it rather than just stop at the store. Not only does it mean more but it is so much cheaper! I can't believe cards are $3.00-$4.00 anymore!
Decorate With Hearts- Simply cut hearts out of paper, or reuse the leftovers from that page where only one coupon printed out! Then color them if you are extremely frugal and don't have colored paper and take them around the house, on the fridge, on the toilet, on the bathroom mirror! Go a step farther and leave little notes on them too! The kids will LOVE this!
Ideas For The Woman In Your Life- MEN PAY ATTENTION
*Give her a day to herself, even just an hour, heck even just breakfast!!!! I personally would just like to shave my legs in peace!!!
*Give her a massage!
*Write her a love note!
*How about crossing off some honey do's without being told! *hint*hint* Drew!!!!
Ideas For The Man In Your Life- Women Pay Attention!
*Let them do their hobby WITHOUT griping! To go the distance, let them go ALL day!
*Initiate "you know"!
*Make their favorite meal or dessert!
*Make his lunch with a special love note inside!
Do you have any Frugal Valentine's Day Ideas? Please share them with us!!!
(6)Balance Bar (1.76 oz.) - $0.50*WHEN YOU BUY ANY 10 Participating Items $0.99 ea -50¢
(2)Scotch Tape or Glue Stick (select/various sizes) - $1.00*WHEN YOU BUY ANY 10 Participating Items $1.50 ea -50¢
MegaEvent Total-$5.45, that's just $0.18 per item!!!
Other Deals:
$2.75 When You Buy (4) RC, Diet RC, Diet Rite Cola- Attached to the 12 packs are $0.55 off coupons, doubling to $1.00! Final Cost $1.25 ea!
Vlasic Relish-$2.25 Use $1.00 Vlasic Coupon Here and $0.55/1 ECoupon Dillons Final Cost $0.70!
Full Price Items:
Organic Honey-$5.49