Do you have a favorite product but can't seem to ever find coupons for them? Go ahead and contact the company and see if they have any they could send!
Most companies have a website where you can go and find the Contact Us Tab somewhere on their homepage. This will generally take you to an email form for you to ask questions, report a problem, enter contact information, etc. In the body, where you write to the company, I always give them a compliment and then at the end ask if they have any coupons for their consumers. Here is an example of an email I sent to Huggies:
"I would just like to thank Huggies for making products that I can rely on for my baby's sensitive skin. We only use Huggies wipes and knowing they will not irritate his eczema skin is so reassuring! I was wondering if you ever mail out coupons to consumers to make them more cost effective for my family? Thanks You for your time and your products."
I have started emailing different companies and plan to report the companies that are friendly about mailing out coupons in the future. Here is my list so far, please feel free to email me with any companies you have personally had luck with!!
Huggies- YES!- Several $1.00/1 Any Huggies Product
Pepsi- No
Cascadian Farms- Yes! Stated They Would, But Only This One Time- Got Cascadian Farm and Muir Glen Coupons.
Bar S- Yes! This was awhile ago, however.
Frit0-Lay- No
More Coming...Stay Tuned!