Here is the breakdown of what I got accomplished on my baking day. Overall...a great success and the baby was pretty cooperative too, which makes it even better.
I am looking forward to another baking/cooking day next check back for that!
*7 side dish size Sweet Potatoes-about 6 pounds
*Pumpking Chocolate Chip Pecan Bread-for breakfast and snacks this week
*2 Chicken Tetrazinni-made one for supper and froze one for later
*Froze 3 bags of Cranberries in 1 cup measurements for baking later.
*2 Chicken Breasts were left over so I diced them up to use for a dish next week.
*Corndog Muffins-Cooper lunches over the next couple weeks.
I would highly suggest buying Sweet Potatoes over the holidays when they are on sale for around .30 cents a pound, cooking then and then freezing much cheaper this way and these will last us for about 2 months.
Have you had a Cooking/Baking Day??? Share the pictures and recipes with us!!!
So, when should I except some of that to be brought to my house??? lol..