I had a reader ask me today for a Wii Deal and I just found this! Great timing as Wii deals don’t come around very often, so I thought this was worth mentioning.
Amazon has the Wii console with Wii Sports for $199 with free shipping (regular price). But right now they are offering you a choice of an extra free game with your purchase!
You can choose one of the following for your free game:
•Wii Sports Resort
You can choose one of the following for your free game:
•Wii Sports Resort
•Wii Play with Wii Remote (great to get an extra remote)
•Super Smash Bros. Brawl
•Endless Ocean: Blue World
•Super Smash Bros. Brawl
•Endless Ocean: Blue World
To Get This Deal:
Please go through my Amazon link on the top of my blog page. I get a small percentage of your total as I was the one that referred you to this deal!!!! You don't pay me, but Amazon does!!!
On the search bar on the top of Amazon's page, click down on the drop down menu until you find Video Games. Then when that screen loads there will be a mini toolbar underneath the main one that will give you different video game systems to choose from. Click Nintendo Wii. It will bring up the promotion and you just go from there!!!