Here is what I accomplished for my Freezer Baking Day!
LOOK AT ALL THOSE CARBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the breakdown:
2 Homemade Pizza Crusts- recipe here- I can't tell you all again (I think this would be like the 20th time) but it is the best crust ever and soooo easy! You can make the whole pizza in 30 minutes easy! Now all I have to do is take it out in the morning to let it thaw, roll it out and thaw!
3 Packages of Cinnamon Rolls- Notice quite a few of those are gone :) It wasn't only me, my husband ate...one! In my defense, I am eating for research! My Grandma Erker made the best cinnamon rolls ever....EVER! Every year at Christmas she would bring a pan over to each of her kid's homes. There would always be five in a pan, but there were four of us...I always seemed to manage to get the 5th. Don't know why or how, but I did! It has been so many years since I have had them (like at least 10) and now she is no longer with us. As far as I can find, nobody has the recipe...so I am trying to recreate it to the best of my memory. I have the sugar/butter/nut/raisin thing pretty close and the icing too, but the bread dough is giving me troubles. Now these rolls were better than my last batch, but still not quite right! So I must keep cooking and eating for research purposes...it's what my grandmother would want!
3 Dishes of Mashed Potatoes- these are actually from a few weeks ago, but I wanted to put them in here so you could remember about freezing potatoes. I haven't rewarmed them yet but I am hoping they turn out well. I didn't add the milk and will do that when I rewarm them. I will let you know if I made a mistake but I had to try! My potatoes were getting old and I don't throw away or waste food if I don't have to!
Breakfast Pockets- These are soooo good and even though they take a little time they are worth it. I use to make the dough homemade but it became like a 1/2 day chose, so I tried something easier and it worked! First fry up 2 pounds of sausage, drain and get rid of the grease. Then in the same pan as the sausage, cook about 16 eggs. Then when those are done, add the sausage back into the skillet and add about 2 cups of cheddar cheese. Then I take a bag of frozen white dinner rolls and thaw them on the counter for an hour or so. I take one roll and roll it out with a rolling pin (or in my case a soup can because I have misplaced mine and refuse to buy another one unless it's at a garage sale!). Then I take a heaping spoonful of the mixture and put it on top of the bottom flat roll. I put six on my cookie sheet at a time, so repeat until the pan is filled. I then roll out 6 more rolls and then stretch them to cover the mixture and then seal the edges of the bottom and top rolls together. You can brush it with an egg wash, but I choose not to. Then I pop those babies in a 350 degree oven for about 20-30 minutes until they are brown on the bottom and on the top! Then let them cool and put them in freezer bags.
(This explanation was for you Shelly!- she came over as I was making them and thought they looked too yummy not to make herself, so she wanted all the details!)
Breakfast Burritos- With the leftover breakfast sausage/egg/cheese mixture I just slopped some into a tortilla and wrapped it up. My hubby loves breakfast burritos so I knew I would score some brownie points with him!
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins- recipe here-the loaves I made are gone...eaten...vamoose! They were very good, and come on, they have chocolate in them, how could they not be!?! All I have to do is take a couple out and let them thaw before we eat them!
The Meatloaf Cups did not get made...long story but I will make them another time!
So, I think on my next Freezer Cooking Day I will focus on dinners! If there is anyone with a great dinner recipe that freezes well, email it to me or share it in the comments section!
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