If you have been to one of my coupon classes, you know that I highly suggest that you purchase the All You magazine. This is one of the only magazines that I actually buy. This magazine if you do not purchase a subscription is only available at Wal-Mart. There you will pay around $2.00 an issue. Right now, you can get each issue for just $1.25 when you purchase the 12-month subscription from Amazon.com right now! You can click on the Amazon link on my homepage to get there too!
You could possibly get this subscription for FREE if you have enough points from using Swagbucks.com to get some Amazon gift cards! I can't tell everyone how much I love my swagbucks!!! If you are interested in swagbucks let me know and I will send you an invitation. I just need your email address or you can go sign up from the swagbucks link on my sidebar! It's basically gives you points just to search for things like you would on Google and then you can use those points for gift cards and merchandise! I've already gotten 2 Amazon gift cards with my points!
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