Monday- Deer Chop Hurry from last week. (I didn't feel good so it was Breakfast for Dinner that night!) Here is the recipe again. Egg Noodles, Sweet Potatoes (still from my freezer/cooking day).
Egg Noodles-No Yolk coupons in Sunday Inserts. Mine were just $.55 cents after coupon and doubling.
Tuesday- Out To Eat (Coupon Class)
Wednesday-Pork Loin, Mashed Potatoes, Veggies, Rolls.
Green Giant Coupon Here.
Thursday-SOS from last week. Recipe here. (My parents decided to buy us supper for the KU/K-State Game!) Veggies, Oranges
Green Giant Coupon and Pillsbury Biscuit coupon here.
Friday- Soft Tacos, Black Beans, Pears
Beans-Old El Paso Pouch Coupons from Previous Sunday Inserts.
Saturday- Pigs in a Blanket, Macaroni and Cheese
Macaroni and Cheese Coupons-there was a Buy 3 Get 1 Free Coupon in Sunday insert from the previous week.
Crescent Rolls Coupon here.
Hotdog Coupon here.
Sunday-Super Bowl Party!!! Enjoy your friends and family that day!!!
Here are some great snack ideas if you have to take something to a party!
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