Monday, March 1, 2010

Giveaway #1- Premade Blog Design from Designer Blogs!

I have wanted to get a new design for my blog since I was chosen as a Deal Pro for, which was back around October. I enlisted the help of a cousin to try and do it ourselves but it just wasn’t happening and I couldn’t wait any longer. I began researching blog designers and happened to come across Designer Blogs. I was first impressed at their prices, which were more reasonable than many I had found. Then as I started searching through their Portfolio, I was even more impressed. All I can say is that Lauren from Designer Blogs is now like a girlfriend to me. She and I bounced ideas from each other for a week straight before we finally figured out how to put the idea in my head into her hands at the computer! Lauren worked so hard and was so awesome the whole way. I can’t say enough about her or Designer Blogs!
Not only are they great, but they have a great giveaway for us to start the day with…because if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be celebrating now would me????

Designer Blogs is giving away a Premade Blog Design, valued at $50.00! (Example below)

You could use these templates for a family blog as well as a professional blog! They have lots of great ones to choose from! Don’t have a blog-well now is the time to start one!

There are 14 chances to Enter- YOU MUST ENTER A NEW COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY!

 Go Visit the Premade Layouts from Designer Blogs here and tell me which one is your favorite!
 Follow My Blog- click on follow on my sidebar and then follow the instructions. It’s very easy! Already Follow? Just let me know that!
 Follow Me on Facebook- just click on my Facebook Button. Already a Facebook Friend? Just let me know that!
 Follow Me on Twitter- just click my Twitter Button. Already a follower on Twitter? Just let me know that!
 Tweet about This Giveaway- include a link to where you tweeted it at!
 Subscribe to my RSS Feed- click on the RSS Feed Button on my blog. Already subscribe? Just let me know that!
 Sign up for Swagbucks Following This Link. (Learn more about Swagbucks here). Then come back and let me know you joined!
 Grab my New Button and Post It on Your Blog- leave me the site you posted it as well!
 Blog about This Giveaway- could be your own blog or your Facebook blog! Then leave me a link to where you blogged about it!
 Purchase or Start the Design Process with Designer Blogs (tell them Coupon Deals and Steals Sent You) during the duration of this giveaway and you will receive 5 Extra Entries! Come back and let me know and I will confirm with Designer Blogs.

Good Luck! Designer Blog Giveaway Will End: 3/7 at 6:00pm (CT). Winners will be announced by 3/8!!!


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