I interrupt this Giveaway Extravaganza for a food break. OH, never mind, this is a Food Giveaway! YEAH!
Thanks to Megan from The C00kie Cutter, one reader is going to get a delicious treat in the mail! Be the winner of this giveaway, and you will have your choice of two batches of chip cookies sent to your door! I can’t wait to get the chance to sink my dieting teeth into them! You can contact Megan from her website with any questions or orders you would like to place!
There are 15 chances to Enter- YOU MUST ENTER A NEW COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY!
Go Visit Megan’s website here and leave me a comment with which Chip Cookie sounds the most delicious!
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Tweet about This Giveaway- include a link to where you tweeted it at!
Subscribe to my RSS Feed- click on the RSS Feed Button on my blog. Already subscribe? Just let me know that!
Sign up for Swagbucks Following This Link. Then come back and let me know you joined!
Join Ebates following this link. It works like ShopAtHome and gives cash back when you shop on-line. After you join let me know! (New members only)
Grab my New Button and Post It on Your Blog- leave me the site you posted it as well!
Blog about This Giveaway- could be your own blog or your Facebook blog! Then leave me a link to where you blogged about it!
Order a batch of cookies for the duration of this giveaway and you get 5 Extra Entries!!! Come back and let me know and I will confirm your order with Megan!
Good Luck! The C00kie Cutter Giveaway Will End: 3/7 at 6:00pm (CT). Winners will be announced by 3/8!!!