If you live in my neck of the woods (Wichita, KS) you are in for a wonderful treat!
My good friend Jaime Lange from Lange Photography, located in Conway Springs, is generously giving one winner a FREE Family Sitting Fee (Value $40). You can visit her website here to learn more about this amazing photographer as well as look through her portfolio. She is truly a gifted photographer and I know because she’s taken our families pictures!
There are 10 chances to Enter- YOU MUST ENTER A NEW COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY!
Leave a comment telling me about a favorite picture you have had taken professionally!
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Good Luck! Lange Photography Giveaway Will End: 3/7 at 6:00pm (CT). Winners will be announced by 3/8!!!
My good friend Jaime Lange from Lange Photography, located in Conway Springs, is generously giving one winner a FREE Family Sitting Fee (Value $40). You can visit her website here to learn more about this amazing photographer as well as look through her portfolio. She is truly a gifted photographer and I know because she’s taken our families pictures!
There are 10 chances to Enter- YOU MUST ENTER A NEW COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY!
Leave a comment telling me about a favorite picture you have had taken professionally!
Follow My Blog- click on follow on my sidebar and then follow the instructions. It’s very easy! Already Follow? Just let me know that!
Follow Me on Facebook- just click on my Facebook Button. Already a Facebook Friend? Just let me know that!
Follow Me on Twitter- just click my Twitter Button. Already a follower on Twitter? Just let me know that!
Tweet about This Giveaway- include a link to where you tweeted it at!
Subscribe to my RSS Feed- click on the RSS Feed Button on my blog. Already subscribe? Just let me know that!
Sign up for Swagbucks Following This Link. Then come back and let me know you joined!
Join Ebates! (New members only) This is a cash back site where you get money back for shopping online! Come back and let me know you signed up!
Grab my New Button and Post It on Your Blog- leave me the site you posted it as well!
Blog about This Giveaway- could be your own blog or your Facebook blog! Then leave me a link to where you blogged about it!
Good Luck! Lange Photography Giveaway Will End: 3/7 at 6:00pm (CT). Winners will be announced by 3/8!!!